Save Carnivale Store NOW OPEN!
Here are just a few examples of the wide array of merchandise now available through HelpSaveCarnivale's CafePress "Save Carnivale" Store.
The store has everything from Coffee Mugs to Bumper Stickers, Teddy Bears to an interesting selection of t-shirts (long & short sleeved), book bags, and even bibs!
Proceeds raised from the sale of merchandise in this "Save Carnivale" Store will be donated to the CarnyCon LIVE convention and the Beth Brown Memorial Foundation.
We'd like to thank the HelpSaveCarnivale yahoogroup for putting this project together so quickly, and for being so generous. Funding is an important consideration when putting any convention together, and it will weigh heavily in the equation. But, with any luck, a convention will give fans something fun to concentrate on and rally around for the next year. Any proceeds that do not go to putting on a live convention for the fans will go directly to the Beth Brown Memorial Foundation -- a very worthy scholarship fund, headed by the family of "Carnivale's" own Clancy Brown.
Thanks again to all the fans who contribute to these causes by purchasing items in the Save Carnivale Store. Let's get the word out about "Carnivale" and it's cancellation. And let's do some concrete good, while we're at it!
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